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2019年04月19日 17:58  点击:[]


金伟平  副教授


金伟平,女,1988年生,副教授,2016年获华中农业大学食品科学专业博士。攻读博士期间(于2014-2016年)赴美国罗格斯新泽西州立大学(全球排名前100)食品科学系进行博士联合培养,2017年起任武汉轻工大学讲师。本人长期从事食品天然高分子基础理论,加工应用等方面的研究,主要分为3个方向(1)多糖复合化干预食品酶结构和功能性质的研究;(2)界面结构调控及疏水性营养素递送系统开发;(3)食品大分子结构表征、应用及功能食品配料开发。目前主持1项国家基金、2项省级科研项目。近五年共发表学术论文40篇(其中SCI论文37篇,EI 1篇,英文综述约稿2篇),其中以第一作者发表的SCI论文为8篇,累积影响因子达33.732。其中中科院SCI收录分区1区论文5篇,2区论文2篇。多次参加国内外会议,并于第252、254届美国化学学会年会发表口头报告及海报,应邀参加2016年中国农业工程学会农产品加工及贮藏工程分会报告。担任《Food Hydrocolloids》、《International Journal of Biological Macromolecules》等期刊审稿人。2017年获批湖北省“楚天学子”称号。






博士 2011.09-2016.12华中农业大学食品科学与技术学院导师:李斌教授

联合培养博士 2014.09-2016.09美国新泽西州立大学食品科学导师:Qingrong Huang教授

学士 2007.09-2011.06华中农业大学食品科学与技术学院





1.Weiping Jin, Wei Xu, Honghe Ge, Jing Li, Bin Li: Coupling Process of Phase Separation and Gelation in Konjac Glucomannan and Gelatin system. Food Hydrocolloids 10/2015; 51. (IF 4.09)

2.Weiping Jin, Rukun Song, Wei Xu, Yuntao Wang, Jing Li, Bakht Ramin Shah, Yan Li, Bin Li: Analysis of deacetylated konjac glucomannan and xanthan gum phase separation by film forming. Food Hydrocolloids 02/2015; 48. (Co-author, IF 4.09)

3.Weiping Jin, Wei Xu, Zhenshun Li, Jing Li, Bin Zhou, Chunlan Zhang, Bin Li: Degraded konjac glucomannan by γ-ray irradiation assisted with ethanol: Preparation and characterization. Food Hydrocolloids 05/2014; 36. (IF 4.28)

4.Weiping Jin, Ting Mei, Yuntao Wang, Wei Xu, Jing Li, Bin Zhou, Bin Li:Synergistic degradation of konjac glucomannan by alkaline and thermal method. Carbohydrate Polymers 01/2014; 99. (IF 4.07)

5.Weiping Jin, Jieyu Zhu, Yike Jiang, Ping Shao, Bin Li*, Qingrong Huang*, Gelatin-Based Nanocomplex-Stabilized Pickering Emulsions: Regulating Droplet Size and Wettability through Assembly with Glucomannan, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(7):1401-1409.

6.Weiping Jin, Wei Xu, Honghe Ge, Yan Li, Bin Li: Polyphenol-gelatin nanoparticles as reductant and stabilizer for one-step synthesis of gold nanoparticles and their interfacial behavior. RSC Advances 03/2015; 5(34). (IF 3.289)

7.Weiping Jin, Wei Xu, Hongshan Liang, Yan Li, Shilin Liu, Bin Li: Nanoemulsions for food: properties, production, characterization, and applications. Emulsions, 12/2016, ISBN:9780128043066

8.Weiping Jin, Honghe Ge, Yuntao Wang, Xuezhu Du, Bin Li: Molecular migration of konjac glucomannan and gum Arabic phase separation and its application in oil-water interfaces. Food Hydrocolloids 07/2016 (IF 3.858)

9.Shuxin Ye,Weiping Jin, Qing Huang, Ying Hu, Bakht Ramin Shah, Yan Li, Bin Li: Development of Mag-FMBO in clay-reinforced KGM aerogels for arsenite removal. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 01/2016; 87. (Co-author, IF 3.138)

10.Dengfeng Peng,Weiping Jin, Jing Li, Wenfei Xiong, Yaqiong Pei, YuntaoWang, Yan Li, Bin Li: Adsorption and Distribution of Edible GliadinNanoparticles at the Air/Water Interface. Journal of Agricultural and FoodChemistry 02/2017; 65(11).

11.Dengfeng Peng,Weiping Jin, Cuie Tang, Ying Lu, Wenqiang Wang, JingLi, Bin Li: Foaming and surface properties of gliadin nanoparticles:Influence of pH and heating temperature. Food Hydrocolloids 09/2017.


12.Weiping Jin, Qingrong Huang, Bin Li: Structures and interfacial properties of self-assembled protein- polyphenol-polysaccharide ternary complexes. American Chemistry Society Annual Meeting 252th, Philadelphia; 08/2016 (Oral presentation)

13.Weiping Jin, Qingrong Huang, Bin Li: Self-assembling behavior of food globular proteins and applications in stabilizing Pickering emulsions. American Chemistry Society Annual Meeting 252th, Philadelphia; 08/2016 (Conference paper)

14.Weiping Jin, Qingrong Huang, Bin Li: Oil lipolysis process controlled by formation of Pickering emulsion. American Chemistry Society Annual Meeting 250th, Boston; 08/2015 (Conference paper)










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